Friday, December 16, 2005

A brand new blog.

it's 3.49am.
Insomnia strikes. Why? It's a holiday, of course.

Why start blogging? I have been inspired by Juls' blog! His blog is captivating, interesting, and at the same time, immensely funny. Juls is the most musically gifted person I've ever met, my role model, a wonderful leader of college. Not to forget, Jace was one who infected me with her unfailing enthusiasm for blogging! Coolness is

Times have gone by. College life in 2004 was amazing. I met many of my best friends I have ever known for my 17 years of life. It was a life-changing experience, truly. I finally learned of self-esteem after having fallen into a vicious pit of anti-social behaviour in F4 and F5, where everyday was a huge challenge. During those last two years of high school, I had few friends, and a simple Hello was hard to come by. College was where I finally felt I was of some value to my surroundings. That was all I ever wanted for a long time. I felt I was a changed person. Today, Concord memories often play in my mind, reminding me of the good ol' times. The past is the past, and I must move on. We all must.

Edinburgh University. Med school is not easy. Quoting one of Audrey's emails, 'Studying pre-clinical is like doing 50 GCSEs. The intellectual level of work is no higher, but there is lots and lots of it. Keep it simple when revising.' How true. Auds, I should have listened! Nevermind about this semester, I will start revising earlier, work harder next semester. If I don't, there's always the next semester... or the next...

...meanwhile, the ice-skating rink in the park along Princes Street is awaiting me. The other day, a poor lady fell on her bump, and when she successfully managed to get back on her feet (or iceskates) after many frantic attempts, there were two unequal sized wet blotches on her blue jeans. Not that I was staring, but it was hilarious. Bun and I found it hard to stop laughing. I hope the same fate won't await me though...


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